Cocoa mucilage (CCN-51) in the preparation of apple syrup (Pyrus malus L.) with antioxidant properties
The present research aimed to evaluate four levels of cocoa mucilage of the variety (CCN-51) as an antioxidant
medium in obtaining apple syrup. Syrup is a method of fruit preservation used to prolong the shelf life of the
product, against microbiological development, which is generated through a process of immersion of the fruit in a
sugary solution as governing water. The mucilage (pulp) of the variety (CCN-51), is a by-product that is not used
and / or marketed, therefore, it is intended to give it an added value, such as the elaboration of apple syrup. Four
levels of cocoa mucilage were evaluated in the production of apple syrup, demonstrating that the best treatment
was T1 (apple syrup with 5% national cocoa mucilage), presenting the best organoleptic characteristics, and the
T5 treatment (apple syrup with 20% CCN-51 cocoa mucilage) giving characteristics similar to T1, demonstrating
that the CCN-51 variety mucilage in high concentrations significantly influences the national cocoa mucilage.
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