Didactic strategy of gamification in the learning of mathematics

  • Jenny Zulay Freire Quispe Technical University of Ambato
  • Raúl Yungán Yungán Technical University of Ambato
  • Georgina Valeria Correa Salazar Technical University of Ambato
  • Mayra Alejandra Ramón Santana Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Strategy, gamification, meaningful learning, Mathematics


This research is focused on the communication, society, culture and technology research line.  Its objective is to analyze the didactic strategy Gamification in the learning of the subject of Mathematics in students of General Basic Education. Gamification is a strategy based on games in the educational context, facilitating and improving attention, interaction, concentration and recreation, allowing the teacher to be innovative in his classes, avoiding monotony. The methodology consists of a non-experimental design, since the phenomena were observed in their specific context to be analyzed; its approach is qualitative-quantitative, descriptive level; its modality is bibliographic-documentary and field. The population is 146 students and a sample of 75 students and 3 teachers, obtained through intentional sampling. The results obtained show that gamification does contribute effectively and significantly to student learning. It was concluded that fifth, sixth and seventh grade students do make use of gamification; the tool they frequently use is Genially; in terms of learning, it was evidenced that students achieve the required learning.


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