The mime game in the development of social skills in early childhood.

  • Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco Technical University of Ambato
  • Joselin Margarita Apic Cueva Technical University of Ambato
  • Irelys Sánchez Fernán Technical University of Ambato
  • Jimena Paola Mantilla García Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Social development, mime games, stage pre-operational.


This study aims to analyze the development of children's social skills in early childhood. It should be noted that a pre-test was carried out in order to diagnose the level at which the development of social skills presented by the children is before the intervention. Once the intervention is applied, it is evaluated a second time by applying the post-test to the same population to see if the suggested intervention contributes or not to the development of these social skills. Said intervention was carried out through mimic games, which were selected in part, thanks to the theoretical framework and the work game module for the initial education level and the sub-level of high school (1st. EGB) of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education. These games allow contact and bonding with other children to be easier and they can experience basic acts of socialization. The methodology has a quantitative study, with a correlational scope, the design is quasi-experimental. A personalized test with a scale of values ​​was used as a tool to diagnose the development of social skills of the children of the "Genesis" Educational Unit. The instrument used for this research lies in its reliability by calculating the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient, of internal consistency, obtaining Alpha Total "rtt" = 0.9244, suitable for the investigation. It is concluded that the selected mime games are ideal for promoting the development of social skills in children.


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