Potential of tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) Gray to increase agro-diversity in dairy systems of Pastaza, Ecuador

Keywords: agricultural, bovine, regrowth age, innovation, livestock.


With the objective of analyzing the knowledge, attitude and practices of producers to exploit the potential of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray in dairy systems of Pastaza, Ecuador, in a first stage, a questionnaire was applied with 23 questions about the farm, the producer and cultivation in 300 farms. Data were evaluated using a multinomial logistic model. It was notorious that most of the questions were of a qualitative nature and their coefficients had a negative sign. The quantity and frequency with which they supply the forage indicate an increase in volumes and are direct practices that were thus reflected in the model. Knowledge about the ways in which T. diversifolia is used for animal feed and whether supplying it in the diet can help improve production parameters did not have significant differences between those who responded in favor or against, even with the scientific evidence on its potential. forage and nutritional value, which was corroborated, in a second stage, in an agronomic experiment that evaluated yield and chemical composition under five cutting frequencies (30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days). Tithonia diversifolia is a species that shows yield potential and nutritional quality, determined by the frequency with which the cut is made in the soil and climate conditions of Pastaza. It is necessary to improve the role of dissemination of knowledge, with emphasis on performance and nutritional quality, to modify the attitude of producers towards the potential of T. diversifolia in Pastaza dairy systems.


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