Restrictions for bovine production in the Colonche commune of Santa Elena province
Ecuador suffers from productive, reproductive and sanitary limitations that have caused the existence of cattle to decrease in the last three years, which is why the objective of the work was to determine the restrictions for cattle production in the Colonche commune of the province of Santa Elena. A cross-sectional, non-experimental research was carried out using a structured questionnaire. Data with variability were used to characterize the systems using measures of central tendency and dispersion. The selected variables were subjected to Factor Analysis to obtain the restrictions, which were named by the researchers' criteria in relation to the processes that gave rise to them. There is an increase in participation in the new generations and academic training is also increasing. With the exception of those over 71 years of age who reduce their work to the majority eventuality and hand over the administration to the next generation, as well as due to their experience they are participating more in organizations; The younger ones try to diversify their income and over the years they go from partial to exclusive. In these, the predominance of the father is seen in the supporting role and an increase in the participation of communal entities is noted. Bovine production is limited by restrictions on Calf Rearing, Farm Size, Household Strength, Strengthening Innovation, Zoogenetic Diversity, General Health Condition, Production System, Genetic Progress, Dedication, Internal Control and Society Participation, which explain 78.3% of the variability in its operation. In this way, the existence of eleven restrictions for bovine production in the Colonche commune of the Santa Elena province show that although tropical climatic seasonality constitutes a significant element in the results, the socio-economic limitations, especially those that do not They contribute to the strengthening of innovation seen from a systemic approach, they constitute the fundamental axis that affects local food security and the long-term viability of livestock farms.
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