Change management and business performance in PYMES of the canton of Ambato

Keywords: Corporate Communication, Participative Management, Business Performance.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (PYMES) in competitive environments have the need to adapt to change, becoming a characteristic of successful companies. This research analyzes the influence of change management on business performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (PYMES) in the canton of Ambato, supported by a theoretical model. The results are derived from a measurement instrument directed to employees of small and medium enterprises in the canton of Ambato, which were subjected to correlation analysis by means of Spearman's Rho. The findings show that change management through its factors such as corporate communication and participative management have a direct relationship with business performance. Therefore, it is suggested that (PYMES) with higher level of change management will have better business performance. The contribution of this research is the generalization of the results obtained in the use of change management in business performance.


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