Strategic leadership and its influence on the competitiveness of the El Ranchito dairy products company

Keywords: Strategic leadership; influence; competitiveness; companies.


This research work focused on establishing the correlation between strategic leadership and its influence on competitiveness for the Empresa de Productos Lácteos El Ranchito, considering the study population by census sampling of the 35 employees and workers who work in the entity and using the deterministic construct technique that was structured by 30 questions generated through a data order classifier to establish the degree of differentiation between the variables analyzed. The information was applied and processed in Excel and SPSS 27, since with the application of these two software’s it was possible to quantify the level of confidence of the variables through expert judgment and whose content validity was developed through Aiken's V Technique and corroborated with Cronbach's Alpha; in addition, based on Spearman's Rho test, it was possible to determine the existing relationally between the two variables involved in this study; Finally, by inferring the results obtained, it was possible to conclude the non-existence of a relationship between strategic leadership and competitiveness in Empresa de Productos Lácteos El Ranchito, since with a very strong positive correlation there would be an incremental relationship between strategic leadership and its effect would be directly proportional and concomitant with competitiveness, thus accepting the hypothesis put forward in this research.


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