Digital marketing strategies using Growth Hacking for the dairy sector in Tungurahua
The Growth Hacking strategies have various benefits focused on designing digital marketing strategies using minimal resources. Several low-cost web platforms are applied for their operation, which can be implemented in any business, considering market segmentation. I employed a documentary review using numerical data obtained from various websites such as the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) and Agripac. These data were analyzed through multiple linear regressions, and a survey was conducted, considering the criteria of experts in this field. Correlation of these variables was done using the Pearson correlation coefficient, resulting in a value of 0.62, indicating the relationship between Growth Hacking and dairy production in the province of Tungurahua. One of the most significant findings of the research is that 73% express a desire to apply these tools, considering their low cost, to adapt and improve sales. Effective marketing plays a crucial role in creating brand awareness, highlighting the unique attributes of dairy products, and fostering consumer loyalty. Strategies such as Content Marketing and the use of social media platforms enable reaching specific audiences, conveying persuasive messages, and showcasing the quality and values of dairy products.
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