Modeling of the electrical consumption of residential users in the face of a possible confinement in the concession area of the Cotopaxi provincial electricity company in the Latacunga canton
This article examines the modeling of electrical consumption of residential users in the concession area of the Cotopaxi Provincial Electric Company in the Latacunga Canton, focusing on the evaluation of the possible impact of a confinement in said canton. Using historical electricity consumption data collected over a three-years period, advanced modeling techniques are employed in specialized software. This data is carefully analyzed to identify patterns and trends in residential energy consumption. This data is then used as input into modeling software to predict how different lockdown scenarios could influence future household energy consumption patterns. The results obtained through this approach provide valuable and relevant conclusions that are drawn from the analysis of residential electricity consumption in relation to the possible impact of a lockdown that may affect residential electricity demand in the study area. Furthermore, this study contributes to the broader understanding of energy management and contingency planning in similar situations in the future. The findings of this study have important implications for decision-making at both government and business levels in terms of ensuring a stable and efficient electricity supply, especially in times of crisis such as lockdown.
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