Security, threats and protection mechanisms for mobile devices

Keywords: Mobile devices, security, mobile network, protection.


Currently, more than half of commercial computing equipment is mobile, presenting these devices with diverse and constant challenges for network security, highlighting that unknown WiFi configuration, acceptance of unidentified applications, connection to sites that are not Trust and downloading apps from such sites can be listed as the top issues when using mobile devices. For this reason, it is of vital importance that users know the various security threats that put data and information contained in mobile devices at risk, the types and the main protection systems currently developed in order to avoid loss or theft of data. private personal and business information and documents that can put the integrity and security of users and organizations at risk. The objective of the research is to identify the various security threats that put data and information contained in mobile devices at risk, establishing the types of threats, reviewing the different strategies to avoid them and describing the main protection systems currently developed.


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