A systematic web with data analysis and SCRUM to improve the "Botiquín La Josefina"

Keywords: Data analysis, Progressive Web System, Scrum.


This article presents a unique approach to address the problem of manual management at “Botiquín La Josefina”, having false control of the processes, keeping a paper record of the purchase and sale of products without optimal reports that allow timely decisions to be made and loss of time in the processes. Proposing a Progressive Web System guided by the SCRUM methodology guides development, using technologies such as JavaScript and PHP, and integrating POWER BI for data analysis. The research, based on surveys and interviews, identified the initial requirements, business rules, key indicators and processes that should be automated. The system, implemented at each stage of development methods and techniques, enhancing the integrity of the data, the behavior of the information, the key indicators that it must measure, uses Bootstrap for the visual interface and presents use case diagrams and an entity model. -relationship. The SCRUM methodology proved to be effective, optimizing the operation of the medicine cabinet and benefiting both administrators and clients at “Botiquín La Josefina”, providing true control and management of processes based on complete data, contributing to timely decision-making, process automation, integrity data and business intelligence.


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