Exploratory study of the use of ICT in the M-learning modality of education
The learning model based on the use of mobile devices or M-learning is presented as one of the emerging technologies with a significant impact on present and future educational processes, due to the ease of access to information at any time and in any anywhere allows you to develop a flexible and personalized learning experience in which context is important. M-learning is the result of a combination of E-learning with mobile devices, with the ability to promote educational experiences in any situation, place and time, transferring learning processes to a new dimension by being able to cover urgent educational needs with mobility and high interactivity. Based on the above, the present bibliographical review was developed with the objective of studying the use of ICT in the M-learning modality of education, allowing to demonstrate the investigative work carried out in this area, as well as the knowledge of the contributions of this methodology to the educational processes, which are always oriented to obtain a significant learning that transcends the daily, professional and work life of the students.
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