Accounting systems and their importance in managerial decision making
Accounting systems and their importance in managerial decision-making is a highly relevant issue, which seeks to demonstrate the efficiency of different accounting systems to help good decision-making in different organizations. The objective of this work is to present an overview of the accounting systems for good decision-making, it should be specified that the accounting system is composed of various elements of mutually related accounting and financial information, for which one of the main objectives of these systems is to support the management decision-making of a company or organization. The research was carried out through the method of documentary analysis used for the evaluation of bibliography related to the problem; logical history to establish foundations associated with accounting processes; analysis and synthesis that provided information with a more accurate basis to address the scientific problem; inductive-deductive that accessed the analysis of particular antecedents of the existing problems. The results allowed identifying that it is necessary to study the types of accounting systems existing in the market, since not all of them are adapted to the needs of each company, the globalization of information, a phenomenon that forced the systematization of accounting processes, decision-making It is a challenge in which the success or failure of the entity is obtained.
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