Innovative Gastronomic Marketing Strategies: Creating Unique Experiences in Quito's Restaurants
Gastronomic Marketing seeks to captivate a restaurant's audience through various aspects, from presence on social media to the in-person dining experience. Nowadays, world-renowned restaurants increasingly turn to this type of marketing to adapt to demand and competition, seeking new alternatives according to culture and country. This approach encompasses techniques and strategies that facilitate customer acquisition and loyalty, allowing them to stand out in a competitive market through quality food, welcoming atmospheres, trained staff, and contemporary culinary techniques. Dining establishments are creators of experiences, and customer expectations go beyond mere sustenance. Administrative management and promotion of the gastronomic offering are crucial to a restaurant's success, and many establishments have adapted and implemented innovative strategies to stand out. In this context, the possibility of applying gastronomic marketing experiences in restaurants in the city of Quito is raised. To this end, it is proposed to analyze the strategies applied in the restaurants on "La Ronda" street through a study of qualitative and quantitative variables. The objective is to generate a high-level experience plan that allows these establishments to differentiate themselves in the market.
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