Perception of tourism advertising a comparative analysis of ChatGPT versus human developed content

Keywords: ChatGPT, intelligence, artificial, tourism, AIDA, advertising


The field of marketing is profoundly impacted by the revolution of artificial intelligence (AI), which provides diverse and new tools for content creation, including text, images, and voice generation. This study gets into this phenomenon, specifically focusing on text-based content generators, such as ChatGPT, and their relevance to tourism marketing. The research explores marketing students' perceptions regarding advertising messages generated by ChatGPT compared to those crafted by human experts. The inquiry investigates whether ChatGPT can assist in crafting tourism-related content and its implications for marketing by constructing promotional messages for lodging establishments based on the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). The findings reveal that, while messages generated by ChatGPT are perceived similarly to human-generated ones across all dimensions, significant differences exist in the inclination towards action. Additionally, there is noteworthy recognition of authorship perception among groups based on gender and academic semester. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, producing enhanced tools, it becomes crucial to comprehend their effective utilization across various industries, including tourism marketing. This analysis provides valuable insights into the feasibility and implications of integrating ChatGPT in crafting persuasive content in the tourism domain, underscoring the need to adapt to evolving technological dynamics in the field of marketing.


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