Influence of EUR and TAN on the yield of maize (Zea maiz L.)
The present work evaluated two planting densities 0.25m*0.80m (DC treatment) and 0.12m*0.80m (DD treatment) and their response to some indices of energy efficiency and solar radiation, determining their influence on yield. of corn. Through destructive sampling, the following was determined: weight of the dry matter of the aerial part, leaf area index, net assimilation rate, efficiency in the use of radiation (EUR) and yield, showing the DC treatment as the one with the shortest duration in terms of to vegetative cycle, higher yield (3.16 t.ha-1), and higher EUR (1.79 g. m-2.MJ-1), compared to the DD treatment. Concluding that the sowing density higher than the recommended one influences the duration of the cycle, the yield and the EUR.
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