Characterization of the renewable energy, canton Logroño, for the dimensioning of a micro grid
It has been performed both the characterization of renewable energetic resources and its demand in the Yaap Community, Yaupi Parish, Logroño Canton, for a micro network dimensioning, reaching the determination of the best alternative for electricity service with renewable energy. It is considered within the general context the renewable energy; mainly the energies, known as: solar photovoltaic, wind, hydro and biomass, due to they could be exploited rationally in the study area. In different visits to the Yaupi Parish and Yaap Community, the energy needs of their inhabitants were assessed, and besides, it was possible to do research about the renewable energy resources that are available in the area. When analyzing the best alternative to give electrical service to the Yaap community, it was found among the most relevant options solar photovoltaic and hydropower energy. It was elaborated comparative costs with each one of the sources of renewable generation, including the extension of electricity network, determining the generation with photovoltaic solar panels as the system that could be implemented in the community. The isolated generation will consist of 3 modules in series and 15 parallel branches (45x250Wp panels), to obtain the power of 11250 Wp. each 5 parallel branches will have a charge regulator 70A, the accumulation system with a nominal capacity of 3585 Ah in 8 hours (24x2VDC batteries) and a 8000W inverter.
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