Psychosocial intervention program to reduce work stress in municipal school teachers
Currently the Municipal Schools of the Quevedo Canton are experiencing a deficit in the level of learning, due to the lack of professionals in the field of education or related to work in them. The lack of preparation, the geographical location in which the institutions are located, the masses that settle within a zone of tolerance of the Quevedo canton, places where there is a presence of social groups dedicated to micro-drug trafficking, hit men, prostitution. among others, the lack of attention on the part of the parents or legal guardians of the students, have caused a greater learning deficit. Due to the working conditions in which teachers carry out their activities, psychosocial health is deteriorated, since they lack adequate knowledge and preparation to work with vulnerable groups, therefore, this situation generates psychosocial risks. in teachers in which we are going to include an evaluation of factors such as job stress, emotional burden, lack of social support and resources, and job insecurity. The intervention within this area of work will be carried out based on the needs of the teachers to improve the working environment and in the same way it will be gradually fulfilled according to the resources provided by the Municipality of Quevedo for a better implementation.
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