Echoes of a good business in the export of artisanal chocolate

Keywords: producers, cocoa, chocolate, artisanal, export.


Cocoa as a traditional product of Ecuador, due to its own culture, has been one of the main export goods, occupying the first positions at the international level in the same proportion as its derivatives. When talking about cocoa, we always or in the vast majority of times relate it to chocolate, which is quite consumed, this demand is based above all on the special flavor that chocolate obtains when it is made by hand, since it contains approximately 66% chocolate and 34% sugar which gives it that special and delicious flavor. Such uniqueness leads to the production of artisanal chocolate or cocoa paste that is produced mainly in the coastal part of Ecuador, a scenario that allows the continuation of product export activities. There are three outstanding types of cocoa: forastero, criollo and trinity, as a result we have one of the best artisanal chocolates in the world with great aroma and persistence on the palate when tasting it, for this reason there is a great possibility of penetrating a market with success. with a high quality Ecuadorian chocolate towards a group that demands a great tasting chocolate.


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