Support of parents in the learning process and academic performance of students
The active participation of parents in the education of their children, communication with the institution and the teacher, the empowerment of formal and informal processes that are carried out during the school period. This procedure guarantees and supports training and quality. For this reason, the objective of this study is to determine the impact of accompanying parents on the teaching-learning process of students in the fifth year of Basic Education of the Digna Beatriz Cerda Neto Educational Unit for the period 2020-2021. The present work was carried out through the qualitative-quantitative methodological approach, framed in the collection and interpretation of data obtained in the descriptive-bibliographical research, for which techniques and instruments such as the survey based on liken indicators were used. The results obtained showed that parents do not organize their time to collaborate in school activities, there is evidence of a lack of communication between parents and the teacher, they are unaware of the study methodology, synchronous and asynchronous class schedules, communication mechanisms. Consequently, it is concluded that the lack of collaboration affects the low academic performance of the students.
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