Comparative analysis of two different variables using two different varieties of corn and bean crops

Keywords: Variety, Corn, Beans, variables, variety.


The cultivation of corn and beans are part of the basic food basket of Ecuador and many countries worldwide, so with the development of new hybrids it is essential for there to be greater production to meet the global demand for food, the development of these new characteristics in these crops aims to improve production or resistance to biotic or abiotic conditions that in one way or another affect the phenological development of the plant and therefore production, these processes lead the plant to acquire new phenological characteristics such as plant height, number of leaves, stem thickness, stem color among other variables that we can observe at the field level, the variables obtained in these new materials can be measurable by various field measurement instruments , and allows us to make comparisons between materials in order to know how much can vary between a variety ad and another from the same family.


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