Pepper crops with the application of organic foliar and edaphic fertilizers

Keywords: Chicken manure, Humus, Humic


This research was conducted at the Experimental Center "La Playita", Technical University of Cotopaxi, Canton La Mana. WGS 84 geographic location: Latitude S0 ° 56 '27 "W Longitude 79 ° 13' 25", height 120 meters. The objectives were to assess the effects of the application of foliar and soil in organic pepper plant fertilizers, evaluate indicators of pepper plant growth, determine the crop yield in pepper plants, setting the nutrient requirements in growing pepper, evaluate the economic analysis of the most promising treatments in pepper plants. one Full random design (CRD) with five treatments and five repetitions was used. The results, plant height treatments that are more highlighted Vermicompost 30 days Gallinaza 26.47 cm and 60 days, 65.93 cm, the largest number of fruits was obtained from humic acid fertilizer with 7, 17 fruits, as for the fruit over the manure treatment 13.97 cm in the first crop and the second crop is the most representative treatment humic acids with 14.54 cm, diameter for the first harvest fruits the humic acid treatment gets its greatest values with 4.82 cm. In the fruit weight humic acids and vermicompost get better results with 100.90 and 102.83 grams in the first and second harvest. The treatment with the highest profits is that of humic acids, both in income and in total production.


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