Automated accounting information systems in synergy with productive efficiency in small and medium production companies

Keywords: Systems, Automation, Accounting system, Synergy, Efficiency, Production.


The transcendence that currently involves the automation of information systems, part of the demand of a society called "knowledge". An approach to this reality was explored with the present research whose purpose is to characterize how automated accounting information systems are in synergy with efficiency and competitiveness in small production companies in Ecuador. A brief description of previous research regarding the study variables is presented, which enriches the knowledge and strengthens the scientific sustenance. To develop this work, it was necessary to consult data from public and private entities in which certain competitive weaknesses and requirements are determined to achieve the productive efficiency of the Small and Medium Enterprises of production of goods, as well as what has been the contribution of automated information systems in decision making. It concludes by indicating that the interdependence that exists between the automation of information and productive efficiency in small businesses is crucial since it depends on sustainability in a competitive market. Therefore, the suggestions expressed here will help to make relevant decisions that generate efficiency in the processes and raise the competitive level of the Small and Medium Enterprises.


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