WSN networks for monitoring the banks of the river San Pablo in canton La Maná
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are made up of autonomous devices, distributed throughout an area of interest and their foundation is based on the monitoring of physical or environmental parameters such as temperature, sound, vibrations, pressure, movement or contaminants. It is one of the key technologies in the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore, this study aimed to design the prototype of a sensor network system for monitoring the banks of the San Pablo River in the La Esmeralda Sector of the La Maná canton of the Cotopaxi province, as a means of early warning against floods; which operates autonomously and consists of a sensor system that allows you to send messages in plain text. For this, the evaluation of the required electronic components and the previous investigations related to the subject matter were necessary. To carry out the design of the system, a proximity sensor was selected that, through ultrasound signals, sends information to the 3G Gateway, which is in charge of prior programming to control the components connected to it. For the implementation of the prototype, flow values were used which indicate the depth level. After having previously made a measurement of the flow levels that are within the levels considered as "No Risk" at approximately 100 centimeters of river depth; This level was determined as "Zero Level" and "One Hundred Level" to the measure of flow in which the river reaches a level of 200 centimeters deep which, although it has not been proven that it is a level that causes flooding in the La sector. Esmeralda of the canton La Maná, will be the level with which the investigation will be carried out.
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