Evaluation of the law of the minimum in Hordeum vulgare
The plants need oxygen, dioxide of carbon, water, and nutrients, light and time to grow. Therefore, it is important to consider factors to be the handling of nutrients and irrigation. The nutrients handling is the implementation of practices that allow to obtain an ideal yield of the cultivation at the same time to minimize the environmental impact anger and water.
The intention of the realized essay is to determine the percentage of germination in barley, peso of fresh matter, peso of dry matter, and analysis to foliate.
Factors identification limit antes of nutrients by means of the comparison of the treatments with the application of the different nourishing solutions. Adding the necessary substrata quantity for every sample.
The plants need 16 elements for a normal vegetative and reproductive development. These elements are essential because the plants cannot complete its life cycle without them; the shortcoming symptoms appear when the element is not present in the plants
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