Educational management and quality of life
Educational management is essential for there to be a quality education for all students, both in teaching resources, materials and spaces within the educational field and to better develop and acquire the knowledge of each one of them, it is essential to relate these two variables since that when referring to quality of life is a combination between the structure, the strategies used by teachers, the institution systems, the capacities and abilities of the student, to cover the objectives of both the institution and the students. Educational management plays a vital role in improving the quality of life by ensuring that educational institutions provide quality education to their students. In this way, educational institutions can equip people with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to live a fulfilling life, make informed decisions, and contribute to society. This study is descriptive, qualitative and bibliographic, it was carried out at the Technical University of Ambato, with the objective of analyzing and evaluating the relationship between Educational Management and the Quality of Life of students. The information collected included 100 male and female university students from the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education to whom a structured survey was applied. The research is scientifically sound and highly credible using the theoretical assumptions contained in recent journal articles and the results are summarized in Excel; processed in the SPSS software, accepting the null hypothesis, using the Chi-Square analysis to obtain the correlation between these variables, inferences about the relationship between them.
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