Basic motor skills in the learning of skills and struts in elementary basic general education schools
The objective of this research was to determine the incidence of basic motor skills in the learning of skills and acrobatics in elementary school students. The study corresponds to a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental cross-sectional design. The research was carried out through non-probabilistic convenience sampling; the study sample was 42 schoolchildren, aged 5 to 9 years, attending the morning session. To collect the data, two evaluation instruments were used. The first one was used to analyze basic motor skills and was the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) evaluating locomotion skills (running, gallop, one-foot jump, jump, horizontal jump and lateral step) and object control (hitting, dribbling, receiving, kicking, overhand and underarm throwing). The second one was the observation sheet of the skills and acrobatics that the students acquire evaluating the skills (front role, back role) and abilities (static pyramid 2 and 3 people, dynamic pyramid against frontal and lateral rolling) analyzed before and after the intervention. Physical Education classes were taught for 4 months with emphasis on basic motor skills. The analysis of the results affirms that the teaching of basic motor skills has a positive impact on the learning of skills and acrobatics in schoolchildren in the study sample.
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