The augmented reality in mathematical logical development in early childhood education
Currently, the study of the relationship between augmented reality and mathematical logical development in early childhood education is necessary because it investigates how augmented reality can enhance the learning of mathematics by combining real and virtual elements in an interactive experience. In order to achieve this objective, the theoretical foundations of augmented reality and its relevance to the development of mathematical logic in the early stages are presented. Furthermore, the challenges that students face when developing mathematical skills in these stages are addressed, and the way in which augmented reality can overcome these challenges is explored. Previous research demonstrating the benefits of augmented reality in understanding mathematical concepts and student motivation is reviewed. In conclusion, the importance of implementing augmented reality in educational environments carefully and thoughtfully to promote mathematical logical development in early education is highlighted. It is expected that this study will encourage a greater application of augmented reality in education, benefiting children in their early years of mathematical learning.
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