Sociolinguistics in digital environments
The objective of the research is to examine the role of digital technologies in the evolution of language and forms of communication in digital environments. It focuses on the analysis of how digital technologies have transformed online communication, introducing new tools and linguistic resources such as emoticons, memes, initials, and acronyms. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic analysis was carried out that reviewed previous research in the field of Sociolinguistics in digital environments, specifically those that address the use of emoticons, memes, initials, and acronyms in digital communication. We sought to understand how these tools influence linguistic practices and the transmission of meanings. The article highlights the importance of understanding the evolution of language in the digital age, since these tools not only add expressiveness and communicative efficiency, but also generate new forms of interaction and construction of online identity. The literature review carried out contributes to a deeper understanding of how these digital linguistic tools affect our online interactions and how emotions and meanings are conveyed in the digital environment. The importance of emoticons to convey the emotional tone of messages and avoid misunderstandings is highlighted, as well as the role of memes in humorous and cultural communication online, in addition, the acronyms and initials that have been adopted in everyday language in online, streamlining communication and creating a shared code between users.
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