Didactics of mathematics and learning
This research deals with the analysis of creative learning as a response to the need to develop new forms of teaching that enhance motivation, originality and the development of students' cognitive independence during the teaching-learning process of mathematics. This analysis is useful for authorities and teachers to evolve in the teaching-learning methodology. Didactics should provide descriptive and explanatory knowledge of the teaching processes of specific contents that help to understand these processes. Even more so when it comes to the didactics of mathematics, which is considered to be one of the most difficult elements of student learning. For this reason, teaching must be fundamentally oriented, effective action on practice and promote its progressive improvement, for which evolutionary actions theories and practices of instructional nature are needed. This paper shows the notion of didactic adequacy of knowledge and mathematical instruction of the system of empirical indicators that develop it, can be the starting point of a theory of mathematical instruction oriented towards the progressive improvement of teaching.
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