Study experiences and hearing care students second semester of psychopedagogy Ambato Technical University

  • Carmita del Rocío Núñez López Technical University of Ambato
  • Verónica del Carmen Llerena Poveda Technical University of Cotopaxi
  • Paulina Margarita Ruiz Lopez Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Experience, study, attention, auditory, students


The procedures presented through study experiences and listening attention are ways of attending. The objective is to determine study experiences and hearing care at the Technical University of Ambato second semester of psychopedagogy. This research was developed within their study experiences when looking at the existing problems in students who enter universities do not know how to develop their auditory attention. Bibliographic material, magazines, books, scientific articles were searched, validating the two variables, the methodological process was considered a mixed, quantitative and qualitative approach, bibliographic type, field was carried out at the scene, correlational, explanatory, descriptive level and exploratory; In the first variable, a questionnaire of ten questions was constructed; The second variable was applied the test of study habits of Luis Toro Becerra. Experience, study, attention, listening. The results in study experiences are performance in the classroom that helps learning influence listening attention. Conclusions The data obtained were used, validating the positive hypothesis by means of Spearman's correlational statistical test, using the MiniTab statistician. International standards on hearing thresholds and validated research; addressing the development of tonal discrimination, the location of sounds in space and the impact of hearing on the integral development of children. It is concluded that auditory development during early childhood is not limited to the physiological aspect, but that sensory, sensory-motor and perceptual-cognitive factors are also relevant.


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