Design of an Efficient Oven based on the use of plant biomass: an alternative for the Pichaló neighborhood of the city of Latacunga

  • Marcelo Fabián Salazar Corrales Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Latacunga
Keywords: Plant Biomass, Energies, Domestic Oven, Energy Efficiency, Eucalyptus


In the present work, a theoretical and experimental study of the energy potential of eucalyptus in the Pichaló neighborhood is carried out, with the objective that it be well used in the residents' food cooking ovens, proposing an efficient alternative with a simulated design and reducing thus environmental pollution. The bibliographic review highlights the scope of the work carried out in terms of methodologies for obtaining caloric power and relationships with other characteristics of wood species used as a source of energy in rural areas of Latacunga, reflecting technical-economic data useful for the efficient oven proposal. The starting point is the experimental study, where the characterization is made regarding the behavior with the amount of oxygen supplied for combustion and the humidity of the eucalyptus, from there procedures are carried out for the evaluation and rationalization of the plant biomass in the Pichaló neighborhood, with the purpose of contributing to solutions related to the negative environmental impact and human health, the most significant incidents of energy losses are analyzed through the simulation of an efficient oven in the ANSYS program, where materials are involved. recyclable in combination with different thicknesses of rock wool as selected insulation, obtaining the appropriate mass of eucalyptus as fuel in homes that have ovens, reducing the social and environmental impacts of the area through research.


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How to Cite
Salazar CorralesM. F. (2018). Design of an Efficient Oven based on the use of plant biomass: an alternative for the Pichaló neighborhood of the city of Latacunga. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(2), 70-83. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación