Preventive maintenance in the transformation chamber and control board using thermography: Case study in transformation chamber No 2 UTC

  • Eduardo David Guerrero Castillo
  • María José Verdezoto Cuenca
Keywords: Thermography, Transformer, Radiation, Maintenance, Switchboard


Thermography is one of the most relevant methods to carry out preventive maintenance on electrical or any other type of engineering equipment. In electrical engineering, thermal inspections allow immediately identifying hot spots, detecting the severity of the problem and analyzing possible equipment failures, which is why at the Technical University of Cotopaxi these tests were carried out on a 300KVA transformer which is located in the transformation chamber No. 2 with the objective of analyzing the state in which it is located, because it is not feeding a load for which it is designed, that is, it is working at 5.75% and As a consequence, its reactive power will still be low, concluding that its power factor is less than 1, which entails greater current consumption in all electrical installations that will be reflected in the electrical billing.


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How to Cite
Guerrero CastilloE. D., & Verdezoto CuencaM. J. (2024). Preventive maintenance in the transformation chamber and control board using thermography: Case study in transformation chamber No 2 UTC. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 8(1), 16-25. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación