Simulation model for the optimization of garbage collection transport routes in the city of Latacunga

  • Jaime Hernán Acurio Masabanda Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Raúl Heriberto Andrango Guayasamín Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Product optimisation, Simulation, Errors, Variables


Logistic networks and mathematical simulation as a whole allow the development of feasible processes and analytical structures when designing optimal transport routes, the reduction of time and cost will be reflected in benefiting supply and demand in the provision of services to the final consumer. In order to reduce waste collection costs, the initial sequential processes must be taken into account through sampling. Characteristics such as geographical distance, transfer, schedules of use, preventive and/or corrective maintenance among others that are performed periodically and on a daily basis where studies and technical advice are involved. With this technical study it is guaranteed to improve the problem for a significant change in the variables and/or errors of possible routes found that throws the initial sampling; being the basis of the corrective processes to take that are focused on the impact of services which prevents an optimal process to the final consumer. Finally it is proposed to design a simulation from a technical point of view by consolidating the variables according to a mathematical model that allows to correct the real errors detected before and to deliver a documented model of optimal feasible transport routes to put in evidence the conclusions and recommendations in its use and management.


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How to Cite
Acurio MasabandaJ. H., & Andrango GuayasamínR. H. (2021). Simulation model for the optimization of garbage collection transport routes in the city of Latacunga. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 5(1), 29-43. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación