Power and current measurement sensor with real-time data transfer to ThingSpeak page

  • Jefferson Fernando Caiza Moreno Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Christian Fernando Torres Gonzaga Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Rommel Eusebio Suárez Vinueza Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Marco Ángel León Segovia Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Current Sensor, Detection System, Arduino, Programming, ThingSpeak


In the following article, the project of a power and current measurement sensor with real-time data transfer to the ThingSpeak page is written. It is designed to improve current controls, based on the current detection and control system. that circulates along the line being measured in industrial or commercial environments. For the execution of this project, the theoretical and practical foundation of programming will be applied, also including all the advantages offered by the free Arduino software, being a card that offers multiple applications in the control system program. These measurements are the same as those made with a multimeter, even a little more exact because two decimal places can be displayed, which makes it easier to read the electric current and power through a microprocessor, which will display the required information. Among its main advantage is that the current and power sensor does not need to interrupt (cut or unslice) the cable to be measured to obtain the data of a variation, this will allow changes to be generated in its general external structure, it will also allow display the information on the amount of current and power that is being measured in an Excel sheet, so that this data can be stored, in addition to viewing the graphs of its behavior in real time on the ThingSpeak page, this process is carried out approximately every 15 Sec. time it takes to send the module data.


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How to Cite
Caiza MorenoJ. F., Torres GonzagaC. F., Suárez VinuezaR. E., & León SegoviaM. Ángel. (2018). Power and current measurement sensor with real-time data transfer to ThingSpeak page. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 2(2), 97-106. Retrieved from http://investigacion.utc.edu.ec/index.php/ciya/article/view/167
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