Procedure for the evaluation of generation engines under local environmental conditions

  • María Elizabeth Urbina Muñoz Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Internal Combustion Engines (ICM), Fuel consumption, Environmental Parameters, Power


During the use of internal combustion engines (ICM) in generating sets, the operational evaluation of these is important to verify their behavior during the operation to which they are subjected. For the development of the procedure, theoretical and empirical expressions were taken into account, related to the methods of selection and adjustment of internal combustion engines in specific environmental conditions, obtained from the consultation carried out in the existing bibliographies, mainly the ISO 3046 standard. 1. The consumption index analysis procedure and the service power of the generator set under the climatological conditions of the site were established. It is determined that under normal atmospheric conditions the climatological variables do not have a great influence on the variation of the service power and the fuel consumption rate, which is not the case in the conditions of high humidity and reference height above sea level. The objective is based on the standard reference conditions and method of declaration of power and fuel consumption.


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How to Cite
Urbina MuñozM. E. (2018). Procedure for the evaluation of generation engines under local environmental conditions. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(2), 59-69. Retrieved from
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