Power Quality analysis according to ARCERNNR 002/20 standard in the low voltage network of a hospitality installation in Manta

  • Dmitri Arpad Dychlis-Andrade Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Milton Enrique Moreano-Alvarado Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Keywords: Power Quality, Technical Product Quality


The purpose of this research was to analyze the technical product quality disturbances that may occur in hotel facilities in the city of Manta, for that purpose, a recognized hotel facility in the city was chosen to carry out a power quality analysis at different points of its low-voltage electrical system. The secondary side of two of the transformers in this installation were the chosen measurement points, and they were made at each of them using properly calibrated technical product quality parameter analyzer equipment. The parameters of active power, voltage, and current were evaluated for each measurement point, and they were evaluated according to what is indicated in the Ecuadorian regulations ARCERNNR 002/20. The results obtained showed the presence of non-standard deviations in one of the installation's transformers, presenting voltage values ​​higher than the 8% allowed by the regulations. On the other hand, deviations related to voltage imbalances were also found, where values ​​outside the regulations were evident at both measurement points. Finally, no significant deviations were found in the total harmonic distortion (THD) parameter for both measurement points


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How to Cite
Dychlis-AndradeD. A., & Moreano-AlvaradoM. E. (2024). Power Quality analysis according to ARCERNNR 002/20 standard in the low voltage network of a hospitality installation in Manta. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 8(2), 84-96. https://doi.org/10.61236/ciya.v8i2.795
Artículo de investigación