Handling of older adults using a mobile crane

  • Cristian Javier Changoluisa Chacha
  • Diego Paúl Monga Sánchez
  • Edgar Roberto Salazar Achig
  • Kevin Andrés Cajilema Guaman
Keywords: Electromechanical System, Operator, Paraplegic, Elderly


The mobile crane is intended as a social aid for the care of older adults with paraplegia, allowing them to be cared for by a person regarding their basic needs such as; go to bed, bathroom or bathtub. For this, the system is made up of a UPN-C-80 beam attached to the roof on which electromechanical equipment will pass that will lift the patient, using a safety harness. The control of the system is carried out through the Arduino microcontroller, which communicates via Bluetooth to a mobile application, for the activation of the electromechanical equipment. With this system, the operator will have better handling of the patient for geriatric care, optimizing the transfer of the paraplegic older adult from one place to another, improving their living conditions.


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How to Cite
Changoluisa ChachaC. J., Monga SánchezD. P., Salazar AchigE. R., & Cajilema GuamanK. A. (2024). Handling of older adults using a mobile crane. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 8(1), 26-35. Retrieved from http://investigacion.utc.edu.ec/index.php/ciya/article/view/584
Artículo de investigación